Congratulations to HANSWELL for winning the title of National Specialized, Refined, and New Little Giant!


The meaning of specialized, refined, and innovative little giants

"Specialization, refinement, novelty" is not only a recognition standard, but also the direction for enterprises to make efforts; Specialized and innovative "little giants" are not only multidimensional guides for enterprises and their products and services, but also the vanguard of quality and efficiency.

"Specialization" refers to specialization and specialized technology.

"Precision" refers to the delicacy of the product, the profoundness of the process technology, and the refined management of the enterprise.

"Special" refers to the uniqueness and specialization of a product or service.

"New" refers to independent innovation, model innovation, and novelty.

Specialized and innovative little giant:

It mainly refers to small enterprises that are still in the early stages of development and focus on the new generation of information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, biopharmaceuticals and other high-end industries. They always adhere to a professional development strategy and generally have characteristics such as good business performance, high technological content, advanced equipment technology, perfect management system, and strong market competitiveness. And it has great development potential and growth potential, and is expected to become an internationally leading enterprise in related fields in the future.

The characteristics of the specialized and innovative little giant

1. Economic benefits:

The operating revenue of the enterprise in the previous year was between 100 million and 400 million yuan, and the average growth rate of the main business revenue or net profit in the past two years has reached more than 10%. The asset liability ratio of the enterprise is not higher than 70%.

2. Specialization level:

(1) The enterprise has been engaged in specific segmented markets for 3 years or more, and its main business income accounts for more than 70% of the company's operating income. Its leading products enjoy high popularity.

(2) And the segmented market share ranks among the top in the country or the top 3 in the province (if there are multiple main products, there should be direct correlation between them).

3. Specialized, refined, and innovative small giant enterprise innovation capability:

(1) In the past two years, the proportion of R&D expenses to operating revenue of enterprises has ranked among the top in the same industry.

(2) The proportion of scientific and technological personnel engaged in research and development and related technological innovation activities shall not be less than 15% of the total number of employees in the enterprise, and shall have obtained at least 5 invention patents related to the main products, or 15 or more utility model patents and design patents.

(3) In the past two years, the enterprise has presided over or participated in the formulation (revision) of at least one international standard, national standard, or industry standard in the relevant business field.

(4) Enterprises have core technologies and technological achievements with independent intellectual property rights, and have good ability to transform scientific and technological achievements.

(5) Enterprises should establish research and development institutions that possess the necessary conditions or environment for technology development instruments and equipment to complete technological innovation tasks (such as setting up technology research institutes, enterprise technology centers, enterprise engineering centers, academician expert workstations, postdoctoral workstations, etc.).

4. Business management:

(1) The enterprise has a complete and refined management plan, has obtained relevant quality management system certification, and adopts advanced enterprise management methods such as 5S management, excellent performance management, ERP, CRM, SCM, etc.

(2) The enterprise implements a systematic brand cultivation strategy and achieves good performance. It has an independent brand and has obtained at least one provincial-level or above famous brand product or well-known trademark.

(3) The production execution standards of the enterprise's products reach the international or domestic advanced level, or the products pass the product certification of developed countries and regions (industry certification of the International Standards Association).

(4) The enterprise has established a standardized customer satisfaction evaluation mechanism or product traceability system.

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